NostalgiaWhat happens if you get scared half to death twice?
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Nostalgia. Do You Remember...?

  1. Blackjack chewing gum

  2. Wax Coke-shaped candy with colored sugar water

  3. Candy cigarettes

  4. Coffee shops or diners with tableside juke boxes

  5. Party lines

  6. Newsreels before the movie

  7. P.F. Flyers

  8. Butch wax

  9. Telephone numbers with a word prefix (COlonial 2 - 6090)

  10. Pea Shooters

  11. Howdy Doody

  12. 45 RPM records

  13. S&H Green Stamps

  14. Hi-Fi's

  15. Metal ice trays with a lever

  16. Mimeograph paper

  17. Carbon copies

  18. Blue flashbulbs

  19. To Remember...
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  20. Packards

  21. Roller skate keys

  22. Cork popguns

  23. Drive-ins

  24. Studebakers

  25. Wash tub wringers

  26. Hop Scotch

  27. Ring Around the Rosie

  28. Hot potato

  29. London Bridge

  30. Red Rover, Red Rover

  31. Red light, Green light

  32. Mother May I ?

  33. Playing dodge ball and kick ball until the streetlights came on

  34. Jump rope

  35. You're IT!!

  36. Kick the Can

  37. Duck, duck, GOOSE!!!

  38. Getting an ice cream from the Good Humor Man

  39. Cereal boxes with prizes at the bottom

  40. Cracker Jacks with the same thing

  41. Parents stood on the porch and whistled or yelled for you to come home

  42. No air conditioning

  43. Hula Hoops

  44. Fat Albert, Tom & Jerry, Pink Panther, Road Runner, Richochet Rabbit, Heckle & Jeckle

  45. Schoolhouse Rock

  46. Saturday movies for 12 cents with HopAlong Cassidy

  47. Watching Sunday morning oldies (Three Stooges, Abbott & Costello, Tarzan, Shirley Temple OR WONDERAMA!!)

  48. Being sent to the principal's office was nothing compared to what awaited you when you got home

  49. A quarter seemed like a fair allowance

  50. Kool-Aid was the drink of the summer

  51. Any parent could discipline any kid, or feed him, or use him to carry in the groceries...and nobody, not even the kid, thought anything thing of it

  52. Almost everyone's mother was at home when the kids got there

  53. A 13" black and white television in your room meant you were RICH

  54. Rainy days at school meant playing "Hangman" or "Heads Up 7-UP" in the classroom

  55. "Work" meant doing the dishes or taking out the garbage

  56. "Race issues" meant arguing about who could run the fastest

  57. Money issues were handled by the kid who was the banker in "monopoly"

  58. Being old meant anyone over 20

  59. I double-dog-dare you

  60. Decisions were made by going "eeny-meeny-miney-mo"

  61. Catching fireflies for the whole evening and not getting tired of it

  62. Homemade ice cream from a hand cranked ice cream maker

  63. Water balloons were the ultimate weapon

  64. And If You're Really Old

  65. Horses delivering milk

  66. Tipping over the outhouse on Halloween

  67. Kids missing a lot of school because of rheumatic fever, scarlet fever, pneumonia, mastoiditis (draining ears), polio and a host of other diseases before we had antibiotics

  68. Extra, Extra! Read all about it!  (like in 1939 when WWII started)

  69. CCC, PWA, WPA and a bunch of other Federal programs

  70. Fireside chats form FDR

  71. Tractors with huge iron lugs that would tear up farm roads

  72. The steam train coming to town and the race to see if you could beat it, while trying to avoid the black cinders from the smoke that would fall on your Sunday School white shirt

  73. The local Civil War vets

  74. Memorial Day parades with the WWI veterans marching in their puttees

  75. Outdoor silent movies

  76. Black face minstrel shows


If you remembered 0-20 = You're still young
If you remembered 21-40 = You are getting older
If you remembered 41-60 = Don't tell your age
If you remembered 61-74 = You're older than dirt!

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